We are being taught that freedom is selfish, says youth at Ottawa COVID protest

Teens and pre-teens speak on stage at Ottawa’s rally against the nutty new normal.

Bridget, a 14-year-old girl from Toronto, took the stage on Canada’s Parliament Hill on Saturday (as seen in this video feed). She spoke to thousands of protestors seeking an end to COVID-19(84) hoax:

“This September was my first year of high school, which is really exciting; except my school board mandated mask wearing… They said they would honour our exemptions, but I would be the only kid in the school without [a mask]. I know for a fact that I would get flashback from other kids and teachers who do not understand.”

“They also said that they would put us in cohorts, which is groups of five or six kids; and we’d spend the entire year with those kids. And, within those groups of kids, there is also contact tracing. So if one of the kids in my group tests positive, or if their parents test positive, they will isolate my group and give all of our information to the local public health unit…

“So I will be doing school online; because I’m not going…. We need this to end so we can be kids again.”

The children weren’t reading from scripts, something we cannot say about many of the politicians and health officials dictating the bizarre new normal rules that the children are speaking out against.

A younger boy took the stage next: “I miss my hockey practice. I haven’t been to hockey practice for all of six months. I love hockey!… Every kid high fives. Hugs, not bugs. Hugs over masks! Enough is enough! Freedom is essential!”

A teenage girl concluded: “I don’t understand what my generation is being told: Reach for the stars, but not too high? Be all that you can be, but don’t make waves and certainly don’t attract attention to yourself? We are told that we are rock stars for blending in.

“That’s what school in September will feel like.

“I can make a fair assumption that young children will feel anxiety for not seeing their teachers’ facial expressions or smiles throughout the day…. We cannot be teaching children that this is normal. Mask will kill all individuality and stomp personality from shining through…. Shouldn’t that trouble every single adult who has children on this planet?”

At this point her voice raises: “You are teaching your children that wanting freedom is a selfish thing. You are teaching your children that obeying authority blindly is the right thing to do…. We are not numbers, don’t muzzle us.”

The CBC was too busy giving news coverage to vandal’s toppling of a statue of our genocidal first prime minister to give air time to these brave young voices trying to stop the toppling of our freedom. But they did write a short critical piece about the protest, where they suggest we are not being muzzled enough. I will dissect this propaganda in tomorrow’s Red Pill Post.


John C. A. Manley About the Author: John C. A. Manley is the author of the full-length novel, Much Ado About Corona: Dystopian Love Story. He is currently working on the sequel, Brave New Normal, while living in Stratford Ontario, with his wife Nicole and son Jonah. You can subscribe to his email newsletter, read his amusing bio or check out his novel.