“World Health Organization has a record of exaggeration” says Nobel laureate

“[COVID] cases become a big issue for political reasons,” says Dr. Michael Levitt in an interview with Tony Robbins. “Unfortunately, there’s a huge amount of politics in this…. Science is difficult and you can’t be partisan. I think there was a dynamic here, a dynamic that I found very anti-scientific that led to decisions being made.”

Dr. Michael Levitt is a biophysicist who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2013. Since 1987 he has held the position of professor of structural biology at Stanford University.

Speaking of the high death rates that epidemiologists predicted for COVID-19, Dr. Levitt says: “If you are a epidemiologist, being wrong on the high side is [considered] much, much better than being wrong by a factor of two on the low side. So they tend to exaggerate. The World Health Organization has a record of exaggeration. 

“The trouble is… there is huge collateral damage caused by the consequences of things like lockdown, of shutting down economies — people going hungry, people losing their savings — which apparently is not part of the epidemiologists job to consider.”

Not that most people are even paying attention to the epidemiologists. They’re listening to politicians trying to save their reputation and news media working hard at keeping people scared

Few are listening to scientists like Dr. Levitt. But you can watch his entire The Truth About Mortality Rates interview between him and Tony Robbins. Of course, not all epidemiologists inflate their estimates — as cited in a previous post with Dr. Knut Wittkowski. 

While on the subject of the WHO’s “record of exaggeration,” try typing “World Hoax Organization” into a Google Search. Should we be surprised with which website gets listed first?


John C. A. Manley About the Author: John C. A. Manley is the author of the full-length novel, Much Ado About Corona: Dystopian Love Story. He is currently working on the sequel, Brave New Normal, while living in Stratford Ontario, with his wife Nicole and son Jonah. You can subscribe to his email newsletter, read his amusing bio or check out his novel.