Is COVID-19 Bill Gates’ next “philanthropic” investment scheme?

“Gates’ ‘philanthropic’ investment scheme has paid off well,” says James Corbett in the final instalment of his Who Is Bill Gates? documentary, “with his $50 billion net worth having ballooned to over $100 billion after his decade of ‘altruism’ in the vaccine market.

“As critics of his foundation have repeatedly pointed out, the nine million people who die every year of hunger would be best served by securing food supplies, running water and other basic necessities, not costly medical interventions for rare diseases.

“But there is no return on investment to be made from that kind of charity.”

Corbett’s presents evidence that Gates is using the (exaggerated) COVID-19 pandemic to profit from vaccines and biometric identification and tracking systems. Why not skip the news for a week and watch an episode-per-day of his documentary instead?

In a April 13th interview Bill Gates said: “…until we get almost everybody vaccinated globally, we still won’t be fully back to normal.”


John C. A. Manley About the Author: John C. A. Manley is the author of the full-length novel, Much Ado About Corona: Dystopian Love Story. He is currently working on the sequel, Brave New Normal, while living in Stratford Ontario, with his wife Nicole and son Jonah. You can subscribe to his email newsletter, read his amusing bio or check out his novel.