How face masks erode our fundamental instincts

Yolanda Norris-Clark in her New Normal video says: “We have all been made strange to ourselves, to each other, through the dawning of masks and gloves. A costume that hides our identities. We go out into the streets and the landscape that once was made up of our neighbours and friends… all of that feels alien. Everyone is strange to us now, because the very markers, not only of our individuality but of our humanity are obscured. 

“Facial expressions are hidden. And even the exchange of hormonal cues, pheromones — all of that is curtailed as a result of the masks. This is a very significant part of how humans communicate with one another. The crippling of our most primal approaches to reading other humans is part of the objective of the mask. 

“The fact that many other people are also wearing similar masks reinforces the disorientating sense that the ‘uncanny’ is now expected. And the result is that our fundamental instincts are eroded… “

“And as we move through the world wearing the uniform that marks us as initiates into this new form of existence, we are constantly and continuously made to perform repetitive, redundant, arbitrary acts; deeds that are blatantly contrary to reason or rationality.”

Norris-Clark is a home birth specialist living in New Brunswick. Her entire video on the New Normal is crammed with frank perspectives on the Twilight Zone story that has infected most of the developed world.

Remember, even in stores where you are forced to wear a mask, you can still voice your dissent before joining the COVID costume party. Don’t be afraid to challenge this mass deception. Do everything you can to stop, as Norris-Clark puts it, our fundamental instincts from being eroded.


John C. A. Manley About the Author: John C. A. Manley is the author of the full-length novel, Much Ado About Corona: Dystopian Love Story. He is currently working on the sequel, Brave New Normal, while living in Stratford Ontario, with his wife Nicole and son Jonah. You can subscribe to his email newsletter, read his amusing bio or check out his novel.