Dianne Fleischauer of Golden Acres Farm had this to say about Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story:

We all have a personal journey to make through the COVID shock treatment and betrayal. I knew Much Ado About Corona was a catalyst of validation and healing when my daughter first read it and had so many involuntary reactions — was she laughing or crying?

The author (John Manley) paints his story with skillful intention and a vivid humour that stays in my mind and wanders back for new insights when I am working alone in the garden. I highly recommend the experience of reading this book, especially for anyone who had anything to lose in the plandemic (and didn't we all?).

Dianne Fleischauer operates Golden Acres Farm, near Gads Hill, Ontario, with her husband Robert and daughters (Jupiter) Julie and Rachel. She's also spoken at local rallies against the COVID mandates.