“It’s okay for us to go to Costco, but not to church,” questions Californian MD

In a press release censored and banned from YouTube, Dr Erickson of California’s Accelerated Urgent Care said: 

“…nobody talks about the fact that coronavirus lives on plastic for three days. And we’re all sheltering in place. Where did you get water bottles from? Costco. Where did you get that plastic shovel from? Home Depot… Are you really protecting yourself from COVID? Does that make sense to you? It doesn’t make sense to me. And if I swabbed things in your home, I’d likely find COVID-19.

“…Home Depot and Lowe’s… it’s okay for us to be mingling in those situations but we have to not go to work. It’s okay for us to go to Costco, but not to church. Do you see the lack of consistency here? From a microbiological-immunological standpoint that doesn’t make sense…. 

“I don’t want to hide in my home, develop a weak immune system and then come out and get disease…. 

“Is the flu less dangerous than COVID? Let’s look at the death rates. No it’s not. They are similar in prevalence and in death rate… It’s time to get back to work.”

You can listen to the full press conference here. Sadly, you won’t see this press conference on TV. They seem too busy fear-mongering about a common cold virus. As one English virologist says “We are suffering from a media epidemic” not a deadly pandemic (at least, no more deadly than the seasonal flu).


John C. A. Manley About the Author: John C. A. Manley is the author of the full-length novel, Much Ado About Corona: Dystopian Love Story. He is currently working on the sequel, Brave New Normal, while living in Stratford Ontario, with his wife Nicole and son Jonah. You can subscribe to his email newsletter, read his amusing bio or check out his novel.